After Hours Non-Emergency Phone Number: 1-888-648-7229

Stay on top of your health without leaving your house

Carolina Family Health Centers, Inc. offers telehealth services to ensure patients continue receiving quality care without exposing themselves to COVID-19 and other illnesses. Discuss medical conditions with your medical provider, have a counseling session with your behavioral health clinician, and even seek dental advice from your dentist – all from the comfort and safety of your home.

Telehealth services are available for:
• Medical appointments (Telemedicine)
• Behavioral health appointments (Telebehavioral health)
• Dental appointments (Teledentistry)

We use Zoom to conduct our telehealth appointments. Zoom is an easy-to-use, HIPAA-compliant platform and can be used from a computer, tablet or smartphone with a wireless or Wi-Fi connection, camera and microphone.

To connect to a meeting:
1. Click the Join A Meeting button below.
2. Enter the meeting ID provided by our staff.
3. Click the Join button.



You can also download the Zoom mobile app from the Google Play Store or Apple Store.


Carolina Family Dental Center offers teledentistry appointments via Zoom using the instructions provided above or by phone and photos.

Call the Dental Center at (252) 443-7764 to request a teledentistry appointment and our staff will determine the appropriate type of teledentistry visit to meet your individual needs.

Please review the Teledentistry Photo Instructions for more details on taking and submitting dental photos.